Cool Stuff About Me

This is that part of the blog where I tell you useful information about myself.

I go by the name Armiella on pretty much every website that matters to me, or at least to the part of me that likes to write things and put them on the Internet without damaging my future reputation. With successful stalking, you will quickly discover that this is not my real name. However, it shows up places. These are the ones I'm slightly okay with you glancing at. Ignore all signs of immaturity. I'll grow out of it.


Follow me on Twitter: @Armi742

Okay so that's only two websites, but trust me, that's all you need.

I am a writer, but I am as-of-yet unpublished, and this is solely due to my lack of being satisfied with anything I've written. However, I frequently stalk agent websites and daydream about sending out my first query. That will happen someday.

I'm young. How young changes every year, so there's no point specifying.

I spend way too much time on the Internet, so if you comment or message me, I will most definitely respond. However, I am sometimes inconsistent with which sites I check obsessively, so for now, your best bet is to tweet me and tell me you messaged me somewhere else.

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